Locked by Jaw Pain and how to UN-lock
Jaw pain, jaw headaches, and TMJ related ear pressure are common issues that many people, including myself, have struggled with....

He, the Hummingbird
Greetings I wanted to share with you a recent occurrence that got me thinking a lot about how we name things, perceive things and create...

Improving Your Mood with Movement!
Holidays and life stressors can add to anxiety, tension, restlessness. Not to mention pain. All of these things can effect our moods....

Get Ready to Spring into Spring Activities!
As spring gets closer...and YES, we've had glimpses of it, I know many of you are thinking of the beloved activities you will enjoy once...

Moves to Put the Sexy back in your Saunter or Swagger!
People that move like bricks oftentimes don't feel well, but don't look too hot, either. It's a new year, so let's improve most...

Sometimes Life Calls for a Sushi Break!
This week has been a busy one! Sunday night I “shipped” off one of my chapters for my book to my editor. I seriously worked the whole...

Part Two of Get Your Shoulder and Neck Back on Track!
Continuation from last lesson. Let's move the shoulder in a circle with awareness and help decrease strain, coordinate motion and help...

Happiness Project Update
The weather changing has reflected changes in my life as relationships have been shifting. It’s not always easy letting go, especially...

Get Your Shoulder and Neck Back on Track! Part One
Unwind tension patterns by learning the various was your shoulder can move. Feel the connections it has up to the neck. Experience the...

Back Tightness Solution by Kids: Rolling Easy Like a Baby!
Relieve back stiffness and delight in what happens when you play with these moves on your back. Feel what it really feels like to unwind....